Ben Godlington's Blog (16)

Market Research

Looking for some opinions on box design and product, is this something you feel would be a quality product you would spend money on? Please bare in mind the target audience, those collecting British or RAF models, also retro collectors. I know they don't appeal to everyone, just trying to get some feedback on the presentation of the product and what level of quality you think it is, how much would you expect to pay for 1:200 models like this etc? Where would you expect to buy it etc. The box…


Added by Ben Godlington on June 14, 2012 at 8:22pm — 1 Comment

Russian Fly Past

The Moscow victory day parade, some awesome aircraft in this

Added by Ben Godlington on October 13, 2011 at 8:26am — 2 Comments

Selling my 1:400's

Hey all, just seeing if there is any interest in my 1:400 collection, I don't display it and they are all sat in boxes, so thought I may as well give them a new home.


I have:



GJ Small Air Bridges

GJ Aircraft Vehicle Set


PHX A340-600 Lufthansa


AC A319 easyJet (UK Reg)

AC A320 easyJet (UK Reg)


DRG A319 Corporate Jet Colours

DRG A321 Airbus House

DRG A300 Beluga Airbus…


Added by Ben Godlington on June 30, 2011 at 11:30am — No Comments

Some New Arrivals

Some New Arrivals

I have a few new models on the glide-slope, a couple of 1:200 jets (A Tornado and a Canberra) a 1:200 bmibaby 737-300 and also 2 fantastic looking Skyline 1:200 RAF aircraft, a C130J Hercules and a Nimrod MRA2. Here's a couple of pics of them, I will take some nicer ones with my camera when all the models arrive…


Added by Ben Godlington on April 26, 2011 at 8:00am — No Comments

Birthday Arrival!

RC Spitfire

Well, it was my birthday yesterday, and amongst other things, i got an RC Spitfire, the wingspan on this thing is around a meter, and i took her for a test flight yesterday, flies amazingly well and looks simply stunning!…


Added by Ben Godlington on March 5, 2011 at 9:30am — 1 Comment

Airbrush 101

Avro Vulcan

Well, my new airbrush needed testing out, and this Vulcan's been sitting waiting for a coat of paint for quite a while.. This is my first attempt with an airbrush, but it could have gone worse! Haha, also the Canberra I'm working on can be seen in the background

The Original XH558…


Added by Ben Godlington on March 1, 2011 at 7:00pm — 2 Comments

Extreme Takeoff

Added by Ben Godlington on February 28, 2011 at 4:00pm — No Comments

Vulcan to the Skies

This is what it's all about, powerful takeoff and climb of…

Added by Ben Godlington on February 28, 2011 at 3:30pm — No Comments

How to buy a Dominie

RAF Dominie

Today I took a trip up to RAF Cranwell to look at the Dominie the RAF are currently selling, sadly they went out of service at the end of January (after 45 years!) They were used to train rear seat navigators etc.. All the aircraft pictured are airworthy, but in 2 days time, there will be no pilots able to fly them anymore as their currency runs out. So its pretty unlikely they will ever be seen in the skies again. You can expect…

Added by Ben Godlington on February 17, 2011 at 12:48pm — No Comments

The latest Arrivals

Latest Arrivals

My latest arrivals, the British Midland DC9, and a few Helmet 1:200 models, oh and some Cold War classics! Enjoy

Think I'm in love with this DC9!

Western models TU-22R

Spitfire, Meteor and Vampire, still got a Miles Master to…

Added by Ben Godlington on February 15, 2011 at 6:30am — No Comments

Delta 727 1:200

Delta 727-200

Here is a custom Delta Widget 727-200 I completed a while back, it's 1:200 scale with a few added details, such as new antenna and red lens beacon light. The decals were a pain to work with and crumbled into small pieces, good job I had 2 sets and was able to salvage a full set from them.…


Added by Ben Godlington on January 26, 2011 at 6:00am — 3 Comments


XR219 BAC TSR-2 Prototype

Bought this little kit from they have some really nice models, and offer them in both completed to your specification of kit form. I chose the kit form as I enjoy modeling, and here's the result. The whitewash TU-160 made an appearance too, the scale of the blackjack dwarfs the TSR-2. If you want a bit of history about the…

Added by Ben Godlington on January 21, 2011 at 8:30am — 4 Comments

British Midland

British Midland

Just completed my British Midland 1:200 scale 737-400, so posting a couple of pictures. Also a couple of pictures of the new Short 360, hopefully the DC9 will be arriving soon too!…


Added by Ben Godlington on January 18, 2011 at 5:30pm — 2 Comments

Inbound ILS runway 27

New purchases update for me, Ive got an Inflight200 727-200 that cost me $16 on its way, an El Al 767 (old colours) 1:400 Gemini, Inflight200 787 and whatever Jolly old Saint Nick fancies bringing me this yule tide, hopefully be posting some nice shots of my latest arrivals some time in the week. Also very tempted by the new AK200 Shorts 360 in British Midland colours, although I think I will hold out until I see some shots of the model.

Added by Ben Godlington on December 13, 2010 at 4:35pm — 2 Comments

The Tristar Lands!

And it crashes.. horrifically..

Had a bit of a horror story with this one. Ive done some repair work and shes looking ok now, sad though. Ill post proper pictures when i have access to my camera.

Bought a Tristar off ebay.. and it comes in a flimsy crappy cardboard box and badly packed, and there's SELLOTAPE stuck to the model to hold it. Yes SELLOTAPE stuck to a model with decals, surfice to say, the decals ripped off, and on top of this, the box has clearly been dropped,… Continue

Added by Ben Godlington on December 6, 2010 at 1:40pm — 3 Comments

My Collection

My Collection

So, before i start posting my pictures i should tell you a little about myself. I first got into planes when i flew for the first time at the age of 5. I remember i was given a snap fit British Midland 737 model (wooster style) and I've been collecting models ever since!

I really got into collectors diecast models around a year ago when i decided i wanted a representation of every flight i had been on, quite a… Continue

Added by Ben Godlington on December 1, 2010 at 12:30pm — 1 Comment

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